
Traditional Moxibustion is a therapeutic practice deeply rooted in Chinese medicine. It involves the controlled burning of dried Chinese mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) on specific points or areas of the body to stimulate healing and promote overall well-being. Moxibustion plays a vital role in Chinese medicine as a complementary treatment alongside acupuncture and herbal medicine.

What Are The Benefits:

  • Warming and Invigorating: Moxibustion is used to warm and invigorate the body, making it particularly effective against cold and dampness, which are considered pathogenic factors in Chinese medicine.

  • Stimulation of Qi and Blood Flow: Moxibustion stimulates the flow of vital energy (Qi) and blood through specific acupuncture points, promoting overall circulation and enhancing the body's ability to heal.

  • Support for Yang Deficiencies: Moxibustion is often employed to address "yang deficiencies" in Chinese medicine, which can manifest as cold sensations, weakness, or fatigue.

  • Reduction of Inflammation: Moxibustion is used to reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms associated with chronic conditions, such as arthritis.

  • Enhanced Immune Function: Some practitioners believe that moxibustion can support the immune system and help the body resist illness.

艾灸疗法是一种纯物理疗法,无副作用。 是将艾灸点燃,在人体表皮沿着经络穴位熏烫,烧灼,通过经络穴位的作用,温经通络,升阳举陷,益气活血,袪寒止痛,补虚固脱,调整人体生理机能的平衡,调动人体一身之阳气,改善睡眠。艾灸是男人的加油站,女人的美容院,艾灸的消炎作用独一无二,冬季易患的疾病在夏季进行艾灸可达到预防效果。 

艾灸疗法适用于虚症,寒症  ,痹症,畏寒怕冷,手脚冰凉,身体沉重易疲劳。可治疗 风,寒,湿,颈椎病,肩周炎,腰肌劳损,筋骨僵硬,关节痛,胃脘冷痛,痛经,咳喘等。艾灸治百病,唯有阴虚火旺,热症不能艾灸。艾灸后起水泡,不痛,说明体内有湿气。艾灸后起水泡,痛,说明烫伤。根据每个人体质不同,艾灸后的排病反应也各相同。

Disclaimer: Traditional moxibustion therapy is a complementary healing technique rooted in Chinese medicine, aimed at promoting balance and well-being. While many individuals find moxibustion beneficial, its effectiveness may vary. Moxibustion is not a substitute for medical treatment or diagnosis. If you have specific health concerns or conditions, it is advisable to consult with your healthcare provider before seeking moxibustion therapy. Additionally, moxibustion practitioners should be informed of any pre-existing health conditions to provide a safe and tailored treatment experience.